by - 19:54


Happy New Year Guys! Aku tahu dah lambat sangat. Tapi sekarang ni aku masih di kampus, meneruskan perjuangan dan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang student. I should have studied by now actually. Tomorrow I have final exam for English subject but instead, I'm doing this stuff. 😂 I'm just feeling bored and don't feel like studying right now. Besides, I'll spend my whole day in the library today which I think I'll be more productive for the next 2 hours. HAHAHA. Jadi berilah aku peluang untuk menikmati masa-masa kemalasan aku yang terakhir ini. 

For 2020 resolutions, aku tak terfikir pon lagi. So, aku plan untuk buat entry for that topic in the next entry Insyaallah bila aku cuti sem nanti. Jadi harini I'll just do some reflections about what I had gone through in 2019. 



  • I want to be a better person: I don't think so. Kinda sad but that's the truth. Still struggling to be a better vicegerent and 'abd of Allah. 
  • Loving myself: Slowly but surely. Yes. Of course, there were some several episodes of hating myself again but I quickly regain my consciousness back. Compared to 2018, it just so damn hard. I did a great job of loving myself in 2019! *pat my back
  • Having my own camera: Instead of a camera, I got a new phone! 😍 Ada kisahnya. Before I get that thing pon berlakunya episod-episod kedukaan, kestressan. But alhamdulillah, my life gets better with a new phone.
  • Get fit!: Tak payah tipuuuuulahhh sehaaaaaa!! Memang tak berjalan ponnnn 😂😂😂
  • Get my license: One of the biggest achievement that I successfully achieved! Paling menarik, my sister pon lepas jugak test kali ni. HAHAHA.  Jadinya, kitorang buatlah lesen bersama-sama even though our age gap is 3 years. 
  • Further my studies in the Centre for Foundation Studies IIUM: Impian ku tercapai lagiiii. Alhamdulillah. I still love being here. Istikharah really important. Feels like home!
  • Play gamelan again: Dalam mimpi kau jelah! 
  • Urus kewangan dengan lebih efisien: I found an app called "Money Manager". You guys should install it you know. Very recommended. 
  • Berpuisi semula: Don't have time babe. 
In brief, 5/9 aku berjaya capai. Baguslah kan?! HAHAHA. This year is much happier than years before. I did cried a lot this year but still better. Another achievement that I had last year was I got Dean List for the 1st semester. Alhamdulillah. 

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